Battle Ground Veterinary Clinic, P.C.

4410 Swisher Rd.
West Lafayette, IN 47906


Laser Therapy


Dog getting Laser Therapy

Battle Ground Veterinary Clinic uses a Class IV therapy laser which contains new technology that helps our patients with pain and inflammation. The use of therapeutic laser can help lessen the amount of or completely eliminate the need for medication. Laser therapy helps to speed healing as well. Laser therapy is great for post-operative pain, arthritis, wound healing, ear infections and many other conditions.


How Does Laser Therapy Work?

Our Class IV laser emits a low-level light that penetrates deeply into targeted tissues. This light initiates a process called photobiostimulation. During this process, the body is stimulated to increase blood supply to the affected tissues which, in turn, recruits more healing cells and pain mediators to the damaged area. The lymphatic system is also activated, reducing swelling and inflammation. Due to this process, we see decreased healing times, decreased pain, reduced inflammation, and a quicker return to normal activity!

What Can Therapeutic Laser Be Used For?

  • Arthritis
  • Back pain
  • Degenerative joint disease
  • Ear infections
  • Improved healing of surgical incisions
  • Pain reduction and improved healing after tooth extractions
  • Wound healing


How Long Does Laser Therapy Take for Effect?

The longer a problem has been present, the longer therapeutic laser takes for effect. For example, acute conditions, like surgical incisions, usually respond faster to laser therapy because the body has not had time to make chronic changes. Some chronic problems may require treatments every 1-3 months as a maintenance therapy. In certain conditions, other treatments may be recommended in addition to laser therapy for the best possible outcome.


Does it Hurt?

Therapeutic laser does not hurt your pet. In fact, most of our patients experience pain relief immediately! The laser emission safely penetrates tissues without damage from heat.


Are There Any Side Effects?

When used appropriately, therapeutic laser does not exhibit any side effects. Most of our patients even seem to feel better after laser therapy!


Appointment Details

Generally, therapeutic laser treatments will be recommended by your veterinarian based on your pet's specific needs. Routine laser therapy treatments take anywhere from five to 30 minutes depending on the area being treated and the number of areas needing treatment. Animals may be dropped off for the day for treatment at no additional charge.


Please contact us to schedule your consultation today!